Plant hybridisation is the process of crossbreeding two different plant species to create a new hybrid plant with desirable characteristics.
Lately, I have been meticulously cross-pollinating different plants by hand. This process certainly evokes a sense of being a bit like a mad scientist. Having high hopes of creating new life or a beautiful garden worthy plant with hybrid vigor.
My initial venture begins with species Dianthus. A genus with a rich history in breeding. Particularly with the blousy doubles of the vicorian era.
I will start by crossing two European species D. carthusianorum and D. knappii. The former having bright pink flower and the latter having acidic yellow. In my mind the resulting plants will have coral colored flowers but this may not be the case. It will be existed to see the results.
It is usually the case that the stigma of the flower becomes receptive to pollen before it produces its own pollen. this give us a window to emasculate the flower by removing the anthers to spot self-pollination